Financial Planning

We continue to have a close working relationship with Bridgewood Private Wealth ("Bridgewood").  Bridgewood is a standalone business that holds its own Australian Financial Services License (No. 389100) issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ('ASIC').  Our history with Bridgewood, formerly PFS, extends back over 15 years where Bridgewood was once a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anderson Partners Chartered Accountants.  While the financial planning industry has undergone many changes,  Bridgewood continue to share office space with us at 'Anderson Partners' and are happy to offer clients a no-cost/no-obligation review service that allows clients to be obtain a full range of financial services under the one roof, from specialists in their respective fields. 

The holistic advice process includes several stages, however, the core services provided by Bridewood include:

  • Investment/wealth creation advice
  • Superannuation/retirement planning advice
  • Risk management advice
  • Estate planning advice
  • Residential lending solutions (Bridgewood are licensed mortgage consultants)
  • Aged care and centrelink advice

The two directors of Bridgewood, Jake Mounsey & Nicholas McKay, have worked with our accounting team for over 15 years and understand the needs and expectations of both clients and staff. 

We value their independent-ownership, their general advice and service philosophy, and the fact they hold their own license directly with ASIC; their advice is not conflicted by any bank, institution, or ownership by any other product manufacturer which appears to have plagued the industry of late.

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