Small business can now write off assets under $20,000

July 9th, 2015

An eligible small business can claim an immediate deduction for any software costing less than $20,000, purchased off the shelf,that is used exclusively in the business. An eligible small business can also claim an immediate deduction for the cost of developing software for use exclusively in its business, where that cost is less than $20,000. An exception applies if the entity has previously chosen to claim deductions for in-house software under the software development pool rules. In this case the costs need to continue to be allocated to that pool.

TIP: Remember to keep records of purchases to substantiate claims. The ATO will monitor the use of the accelerated depreciation. In this regard, the ATO has said, if “small businesses exhibit behaviours that indicate a high level of risk, they can expect a higher level of interaction from the ATO”.

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