Are your Super Saving Goals on Track?
January 31st, 2016
Are your super saving goals on track?
At Anderson Partners, we want to work with you to ensure your Superannuation is in good health. The new calendar year is a good time to conduct a superannuation health check and set some new goals to help boost superannuation savings.
Although there have been no seismic shifts in the superannuation landscape of late, it may be prudent to reacquaint yourself with the rules. The following are some considerations.
• Make extra contributions – the general concessional contributions cap is $30,000 for 2015–2016. For people aged 50 and over, there is a higher concessional contributions cap of $35,000 for 2015–2016.
• Check super savings – it is a good habit to check your super balance regularly. You may also want to protect your super from identity crime. For example, you may want to change passwords for accounts that can be viewed online.
• Look for small lost super accounts – the threshold below which small lost super accounts will be required to be transferred to the ATO has increased to $4,000 (from December 2015).
• Consolidate multiple super fund accounts – you may want to consider consolidating multiple super fund accounts. This may help avoid paying multiple fees, reduce paper work, and make it easier to keep track of your super.
• Salary sacrifice super – you may want to ask your employer about salary sacrificing super, or you may want to consider reviewing existing arrangements with your employer.
TIP: Professional advice should be obtained before implementing a new retirement saving strategy.
We would love for you to contact our office to discuss your personal cirmcumstances in further detail.